
The Ultimate 5G EMF Protection – Hedron 5G Elite Cell Shield

Looking for the Ultimate 5G EMF Protection?

The Hedron 5G Elite Cell Shield delivers the ultimate 5G EMF protection for your phone. This small but powerful device protects against 99.80% of aberrant EMF by up to 9.375G. The Hedron 5G Elite also includes Human Performance Technology. Specific DNA enhancing frequencies of 528 Hz as well as the Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 have been added to the shield. This technology is designed to enhance blood cells, DNA, brain, eyes, overall Bio-Field, and more when a person is within 2 feet of the device.

This easy-to-apply shield is 3.5cm x 3.5cm x 1mm and is placed on the back of your electronic devices. The device serves to transmute the harmful EMF frequencies into beneficial frequencies. It’s made of 12 specific harmonizing minerals and is ‘impregnated’ with a frequency called Scalar Energy, which matches the earth’s beneficial frequency of 7.83 Hz. This frequency is known as Schumann’s Resonance, the most highly beneficial frequency on the planet.


Original price was: $89.00.Current price is: $69.00.

The Ultimate 5G EMF Protection – Hedron 5G Elite Cell Shield


Looking for the Ultimate 5G EMF Protection?

The Hedron 5G Elite Cell Shield delivers the ultimate 5G EMF protection for your phone. This small but powerful device protects against 99.80% of aberrant EMF by up to 9.375G. The Hedron 5G Elite also includes Human Performance Technology. Specific DNA enhancing frequencies of 528 Hz as well as the Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 have been added to the shield. This technology is designed to enhance blood cells, DNA, brain, eyes, overall Bio-Field, and more when a person is within 2 feet of the device.

This easy-to-apply shield is 3.5cm x 3.5cm x 1mm and is placed on the back of your electronic devices. The device serves to transmute the harmful EMF frequencies into beneficial frequencies. It’s made of 12 specific harmonizing minerals and is ‘impregnated’ with a frequency called Scalar Energy, which matches the earth’s beneficial frequency of 7.83 Hz. This frequency is known as Schumann’s Resonance, the most highly beneficial frequency on the planet.

Why do we need the 5G EMF Protection?

A 30 second cell phone call can disrupt and weaken every cell of the body for up to 18 hours. And even a few minutes of mobile phone use can heat up brain tissues, causing cellular changes which, can in turn, lead to cancer. All of this due to negative Electro-Magnetic Radiation (EMF).

The Hedron 5G Elite Cell Shield is the only product of its kind that has been 3rd party proven and certified by the California Institute Of Electronics and Materials Sciences to protect against 99.80% of aberrant EMF by up to 9.375G. image of cellphone blood test

Smart phone manufacturers are aware of the Risks of heir products

Smart Phone manufacturers know their products deliver seriously high levels of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR). Often smartphone makers bury critical information within the tiny print of their manuals. Most products must be kept at a minimum distance from the body so that legal limits for exposure to EMR aren’t exceeded (Generally, the minimum distance from the body is 20 cm or 7.8 inches).

Even ear buds don’t reduce EMF exposure. Instead, they can act as ‘conduits’ serving to funnel even higher levels (as much as 3x) of harmful radiation to your brain.

How do you know if you’re suffering from the effects of EMF?

Many times people attribute the body draining effects of excessive EMF exposure to a lack of sleep.

What about you? Have you been feeling the accumulative effects of EMF without recognizing it l? Do you wake up feeling groggy and sluggish? Is your sleep disrupted? Do you need a strong cup of coffee or two to get you through the day?

These are just a few early warning signs that your body is being bombarded and overworked by too much Electromagnetic Radiation.

More severe symptoms occur with greater exposure. These include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, frequent colds and bugs, even muscle aches and pains. It’s important to know the effects will continue to accumulate over time and can lead to greater health challenges.

A landmark study conducted by Dr. Henry Lai of the University of Washington showed that even at low levels, exposure to EMFs cause DNA damage to brain cells resulting in loss of short and long-term memory and slower learning. The DNA damages appear cumulative over time.

A second study done at Penn State University concluded the EMF exposure caused a cascade of microbial destruction in the body. The damage takes place between .024-.0024 W/kg which is much lower than any electronic device. now in use.

With the release of the Patent Pending 5G Hedron EMF Shield, everyone can be safe again

To get the ultimate 5G EMF protections, ORDER HERE Your purchase is protected by a 60 day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If, for any reason you’re not happy with the device, simply mail it back and you’ll receive a full refund.

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